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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Passionflower & Queen Anne's Lace

From my Greenway bike ride today:
Queen Anne's Lace

The Official State Wildflower of Tennessee
While Iris is the Official Flower

I almost missed the Passionflower which was mostly under the leaves along the trail beside Ravenwood. Glad I saw it because it is one of my favorite wildflowers and only blooms for a week or two in early summer or late spring. It is also called Maypops, Passion Vine and Apricot Vine. How wonderful to have a greenway with all these beautiful wildflowers in every season! 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

More Flowers on the Greenway

This shot was made the day before I left for Warren, AR trip and late posting. And I haven't looked up their name yet, but will. The visual feast I get riding my bike is just a bonus to the good health and adventure!
Carolina Rose or Multiflora Rose